Five Ways to Create a Culture of Sales Accountability

If you work in pharmaceutical sales, you know that it’s a fast-paced industry that demands results. You’re constantly under pressure to meet quotas, satisfy clients, and keep up with ever-changing regulations. And when your reps aren’t performing as well as you’d like, it can feel like an uphill battle. As a leader in this industry, […]
The Impact of Culture on Organizational Agility

I recently finished my certification on Adaptive Mindset for Personal Agility workshop. TRACOM’s Unlocking Personal Agility course instructs participants about their mindset and biases that prevent them from optimizing their personal agility and shares specific strategies for participants to optimize performance. Organizational agility is the capacity to spot and exploit opportunities in fast-changing environments. Companies […]
Three Reasons to Develop Advanced Curriculum for Pharma Reps

The pharmaceutical industry has always been an essential aspect of healthcare, contributing to the development of innovative therapies and treatments that help millions of people worldwide. However, as the industry continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there is a significant lack of advanced curricula for pharmaceutical representatives. This situation has arisen mainly […]
Tips to Writing a Good Development Plan

The beginning of the year is a good time for self-reflection, goal setting and development. In 2021 approximately 21% of the population made New Years resolutions with a small percentage of people accomplishing them. In a list of goal setting statistics, 80% of people don’t set goals for themselves. In the same list, a whopping […]
Five Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

I find it tough going to the gym at the beginning of the year. Many have made New Years resolutions at the beginning of the year to either get in shape, lose weight or just gain some energy. After a few weeks things will be back to normal and working out will be simple. In […]
Three Fixes to Performance Management

Many Managers dread this time of year because it’s time to write the annual performance review. I was speaking with a manager recently who was contemplating how she was going to let one of her directs know that they would not be able to be promoted because of their sales performance. Most Managers focus on […]
Leadership vs. Management: Striking the Perfect Balance

Ask employees at nearly any corporation in the country, and most will tell you the same thing: management is a bad word. While this isn’t always true, it is very easy to determine which managers understand the importance of leadership and the ones that don’t. Keep reading to see how you can find the perfect […]
How to Drive Sales Performance with Coaching

Sales coaching is typically the exercise of enhancing a professional’s sales performance and skills via consistent involvement and feedback. This insightful piece highlights everything you wanted to know about proper sales coaching and how it can aid in driving excellent sales outcomes. So stick around. How Sales Coaching Helps In Managing the Sales Successful Revenue […]
Tips and Tricks of Effective Mentorship

How do you keep learning even in your workplace? Mentorship is a great way for organizations to promote teamwork and collaboration for the company’s good. Sales managers should implement mentorship programs if they hope to achieve their quotas.Organization mentoringOne could argue that sales mentorship is a sales manager’s best tool for engaging employees. Mentor skills […]
Secrets to Effective Leadership Communication

Proper communication helps promote interaction among the different levels in any organization. To hack an effective leadership, the top-level individuals have to be world-class communicators. The leader’s communication methods and habits determine how they inspire and motivate their audience. Effective leadership in any organization starts with good communication. Effective communication is more than passing information […]