The Impact of Effective Coaching, Mentorship, and Sponsorship on Career Development

The importance of coaching, mentoring and sponsorship can’t be overstated in today’s business world or any other walk of life. Many are familiar with coaching and mentoring and find it tough to decide which will help grow their careers the most. We will discuss the importance of managerial coaching which many discount because of the […]

Seven Tips to Improve Critical Thinking 

A bar graph with employees working together in the background

Critical Thinking in leadership is a powerful tool and matters for growth in any business. Growing a business to scale attracts risks and challenges best mitigated by critical thinking and good decision-making. Talented entrepreneurs argue that to grow a business, you have to scale its leadership and management with a key focus on critical thinking […]

How to Learn Lead Change  

4 people working together

Leadership is an important aspect of any organization. It provides a foundation that forms a structural and functional organization. Leadership helps direct and coordinate the activities of the employees, which in turn creates a more conducive environment for effective performance and productivity. For an organization to be successful, a leader must be able to support […]

Make New Year’s Resolutions That Stick

Person writing in white chalk on chalk board that is green their new years resolutions

Every year, many of us promise to make positive changes in our lives, whether to eat healthier, exercise more, or learn something new. With COVID-19 still raging, 2021 brings on new challenges, making it more difficult to keep resolutions.  In fact, research shows that 80% of people have given up their resolutions by the second week of […]

How to Live an Extraordinary Life!

How to Live an Extraordinary Life! The dash on the headstones look the same yet all carry a story.  Is your story the one that you want told? I was having dinner with Alex Gorsky before Alex was Alex!  There were a bunch of Managers with our wives and Alex was VP of Marketing at the time.  What struck […]

Faith is the evidence of things not seen

An employee a light bulb

Conquering airborne school adversity is just like life.   I had jumped out of the 34-foot tower over 4o times and had never jumped correctly more than twice in a row. The tower simulates a C-130 transport plane; I was an ROTC cadet at the time, elected by my classmates to attend airborne school. It […]

How to improve your leadership presence

An image of a person with the word Productivity written on the board

Defining leadership presence and how to improve it I attended a seminar where four leaders spoke about executive presence and leadership presence: the ability to engage, align, inspire and motivate others to act. ‘Executive’ and ‘leadership’ are often used interchangeably; for the sake of our conversation I’ll refer simply to ‘leadership presence.’ Personally, one of […]