Leadership accountability is important for the success of any business. However, most leaders fail to understand that there is opportunity to improve in this area. Leaders guide the other organization’s employees on what and how to do different things. Lack of accountability from managers makes those under them feel inadequate to provide the organization with the needed services.
Leaders must commit to profitable plans, ideas and initiatives and align development goals. It helps the organization lay the right culture and become productive and successful.
What is Leadership Accountability?
Leadership accountability goes beyond reliability and responsibility. It involves the ability of a manager to have more than those two qualities. Accountable leaders should be willing to acknowledge their mistakes, plans and actions. They should also be able to act upon all the plans they make within their organization. Additionally, they should check consistency in all company processes.
Even though leaders face challenges while trying to be accountable, they provide value to their employees and organization through their actions. They show responsibility through guiding and encouraging their workforce.
The Negative Effects of a Leader who Lacks Accountability Skills
Several issues arise in an organization with an unaccountable leader. Some of them include:
· Employees experience demotivation, which lowers their morale
· High turnover rate
· Employees fail to trust their leaders
· Poor work performance
· Inefficiency
The Benefits of Leadership Accountability in Organizations
1. It Enhances Communication Between Managers and Employees
Strong leadership ensures effective communication between the management and other employees. Organization managers should show accountability in how they communicate for others to follow. Junior employees will follow their leaders’ communication styles since they trust they are the best for the organization.
Leaders should ensure that everyone understands the organization’s expectations and cascade goals. They set organizational goals followed by all employees. They communicate the company’s objectives with all the workers to ensure all company processes go on uninterrupted. One way accountable leaders should communicate their expectations to their subordinates is through periodic meetings. The managers should elaborate on all the purposes of such meetings and encourage conversations between them and their juniors.
Effective leaders should also send follow-up emails to their employees summarizing the highlights of the meetings. This will ensure that all people involved understanding all the details to avoid conflicts.
What Accountable Leaders Should Do if a Miscommunication Arises
In case of a misunderstanding, accountable leaders should focus on the cause and find proper solutions. They avoid blaming others and find ways to prevent a repeat of such in future. That enables them to encourage other team members to seek help whenever needed. Blaming and shaming employees breaks trust and contributes to low morale and high employee turnover.
2. Accountability is Infectious
Employees follow what their leaders do. Leaders’ actions and words influence the organization’s behavior positively or negatively. An accountable leader has a positive impact. This creates a strong workplace culture. Leaders should influence accountability in other people through:
· Admitting their mistakes and working towards changing them
· Accepting all strengths and weaknesses
· Being ready to always improve
· Timely completion of projects
· Adhering to company guidelines
· Offering a helping hand whenever necessary
· Being honest and open
The above traits enable leaders to set up a culture that enables all parties involved to work towards the organization’s success. They will help all employees understand what their leaders expect and do everything possible to achieve that.
3. Accountable Leaders Contribute to a Better Workflow
Accountable managers should make their juniors feel appreciated, understood, and cared for. For example, they should avoid saying “I” but instead use “We”. This will make them feel part of the organization’s success. However simple the pronoun may seem; it can make employees feel valued. It will therefore motivate them to work harder, improving the performance of the company.
Give Proper Feedback to Employees
Accountable leaders should provide their employees with proper feedback to guide them. The review guides employees on the behaviors and strategies to adopt for increased productivity. An employee will identify the areas that need improvement if the leader gives them feedback using the right style and guidance. Leaders should provide both positive and negative feedback to their juniors to make them feel appreciated. It will also encourage the employees to make the needed improvements. Leaders should recognize progress in all their employees do through appreciating them.
From the above information, you can get a glimpse of how accountable leadership can provide a better working environment and contribute to an organization’s success. Lack of proper leadership accountability may contribute to poor employee involvement and productivity.